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New Immigrants Support

The Immigrants to Canada is an outreach ministry of the Makarios Evangelical Church (MEC), hoping to serve friends who are preparing to immigrate to Vancouver, and provide them with resources and practical assistance before departure and/or after arrival. MEC is willing to be a good helper for friends who are immigrating to Canada, and is happy to provide those in need with information and assistance related to housing, school, work, government resources, etc., and share the details and experiences of living in Vancouver, so that immigrants can feel at home throughout the process and adapt to their new lives smoothly.

Ministry Introduction Video:

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The following clip was shared by a family who just arrived in Vancouver in May:

The following website provides a guide for new immigrants to British Columbia and links to related items:

Church Contact

Pastor Jessica

Address: 613 Queens Ave, New Westminster, BC V3M 1L1
Tel: (604) 446-2714

©2024 by Makarios Evangelical Church.

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