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Video testimony


New Immigrants Support

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  1. close grace

  2. Lord who never leaves you alone

  3. timely supply

  4. Lord of life

Great difficulty, new way out

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  1. In the face of unpredictable cancer, what do you think should occupy their minds the most, but they don't have a lot of trouble?

  2. Do you think they are "in suffering but not trapped"? What's the best way to not get trapped?

  3. How does Zarina cope with her husband's deteriorating body?

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  1. How to cure the disease and find a good remedy? ​​

  2. From prayer, we entrust the things of the earth to God, and learn to understand and deal with difficult situations from a spiritual perspective.

  3. She said looking up to the new garments in heaven, focusing on experiencing God's comfort, intervention, or even the promise of heaven.


There seems to be no choice, but there are choices

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  1. In the midst of difficulties, why did the couple not wrestle for different ways of dealing with each other because of their different approaches?

  2. If their difficulty is not only cancer, but there is a hidden character waiting to make them suffer even more. Who is that? How can this role make them more miserable?

  3. Ravin or Zarina say they have learned throughout the process to choose to focus on what they can control, and that choice gives them a lot of peace. So do they realize what they can control? What can't they control?

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  1. Believing that God has His will, the result is not their manipulation, so focus on every juncture and let the Holy Spirit transform the value and perspective.

  2. Satan. Obsessed with wanting to control a certain outcome, feeling that God is far away, or being alone because you don’t understand why God does things.

  3. Things on earth are not in his control, what they can control is how they choose to live in the presence of God every day.

three-strand synthetic rope

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  1. The way they chose to face their suffering gave them a new understanding of each other, revitalizing their relationship during the final stretch of Ravin's life.

  2. This ordeal has added an active member to their relationship, who is that? What role does this new member play in their relationship, and how does it shape that relationship?

angle in the film


  1. Ravin and Zarina persisted in experiencing God's comfort under the toss of illness/difficulty, and poured out their hearts to God each day, believing that God's decision was the best. In the process they experience different comforting and renewing changes from God. They shared their spiritual experiences with each other, and in this way they shared their spiritual joy, so that they could support each other in the spirit and become spiritual friends. They experience a deep bond and all-round sweetness as a couple. Facing the separation of life and death, although there is reluctance, there is no regret.

  2. god. Each of them renews and changes before God, and shares with each other what they have learned, received and satisfied before God and become spiritual close friends. The harmony in spirit allows them to experience the love of mutual infiltration and tolerance, and they can also obtain spiritual satisfaction from human relationships, and they are not lonely and painful along the way.


©2024 by Makarios Evangelical Church.

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