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Church Philosophy

​​Praise & Proclaim Christ with Our Lives

White Room

A church that focuses on deepening of Spiritual life

A church that promotes walking with others Spiritually

We are called to build the church based on three core values:

1. Life: Cultivate believers to transform their lives and become more like Christ

2. Relationships: Learn to build deeper relationships with God and with people.

3. Inheritance: Focus on equipping a new generation of Christians.

We have an one-stop arrangement for various theme gatherings on Saturdays:


4:15pm ~ 5:30pm

1. Chinese Bible Class

2. English Youth Worship

3. Children Activities (Chinese/Art Classes, etc.)

5:45pm ~ 6:45pm

Community Dinner (Everyone is welcome)

7:15pm ~ 8:45pm

1. Cantonese Worship
2. English Youth Programs (Bible classes, Life Principles, Spiritual Practices,  Gym, etc.)

3. Children Worship

4. Nursery for infant and toddlers

For any special needs or inquiries, please call Pastor Jessica at 778-358-1444 .

Event List

Cantonese Worship
Every Saturday from 7:15pm to 8:45pm

English worship every Saturday at 4:15pm


Chinese Adult Bible Classes are held every Saturday evening from 4:15 to 5:30


English Youth Gathering (Grade 6 and above)
Every Saturday from 7:15pm to 8:45pm


Children's Chinese Class/Art Class (Grade 5 or below)
Every Saturday evening from 4:15pm to 5:30pm


Children's Sunday School/Infant Class (Grade 5 and below)
Every Saturday from 7:15pm to 8:45pm


The Chinese Adult Spiritual Formation Groups help brothers and sisters build a deeper relationship with God through two-hour online gatherings every two weeks, where they can share and care for each other in the Spirit.

New Immigrants Support

Bible Classes

Every Saturday

4:15pm to 5:45pm

MEC Gathering

English Speaking gathering group for teens and students from grade 7 up to college age.
Every Saturday 7:15pm.
Our Activities:
  • Week One: Bible Study
  • Week Two: Life Principle
  • Week Three: Spiritual Practice
  • Week Four: Cell Group
  • Week Five: Outing

Latest Sermon Recordings

00:00 / 31:40
撒母耳記上 一 1-18
1 Samuel 1 1-18

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613 Queens Avenue, New Westminster,

BC V3M 1L1

Tel: 778-358-1444


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